Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Makala, Ivory, ME!!!

Wow where to begin.... the passed couple of weeks have not been super busy but yet I still didn't manage to get on here and blog about my incredible life :). This passed couple of weeks one of my best friends Makala's son was having some trouble with his eating...It was really heart breaking because he was struggling with keeping it down, which was obviously leaving him dehydrated and hungry!! They finally got some of his medication under control and you will all be happy to know he is doing a lot better!!!

 So this amazingly happy baby finally has a full belly!!

My other best friend Ivory has this sweet adorable bebe. I have mentioned him in other blogs and his name is Jax and hes seriously the funniest sweetest bebe I know. He has these great big beautiful eyes like his momma and these gorgeous curly locks on his head. I was lucky enough to get to spend an entire Wednesday with this babes because he had pink eye :(. I have to say, while i hated that this boy had pink eye i loved how cuddly he was because of it. He just has the sweetest little heart ever.

On to my ongoing weight loss struggle. I am slowly but surely getting there. I haven't lost a whole bunch of weight but I have been trying my best and working out as often as I can. Normally I would never be caught dead in tight shorts for the gym but as you can see I decided to move pass my fear of people laughing at me and I did it. What do you know people didnt laugh...in fact I got a compliment haha.....What was I afraid of again??

This was another idea that I stole from Pinterest. I thought what else could I do, so its a constant reminder of what im trying to accomplish and fun at the same time. Welp this is what I came up with....Every stone is a pound, so every Monday that I weigh in  I will adjust the weight loss :) it does seem silly, but I am willing to do anything to help!

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