Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Weight Watchers!!!

This week with Weight Watchers was a total success. I lost an additional 1.8 lbs, now i felt like i worked my ass of this week , so to only get a lost of 1.8 was a little disappointing at first BUT a loss is a loss and I need to be ecstatic about my success. This week I set a goal of losing 3 lbs so I can reach my 5% goal...which means that I have lost 5% of my body weight!! I have also been setting little goals here and there..from now on I will be jogging a 5K roughly everyday (5 days a week, normally) and the idea is to get that run/jog to 30 minutes time and right now I run it about 40:57. Needless to say I have plenty of work ahead of me, but for once I am looking forward to reaching that specific time frame and am comfortable running! 
I am sure you are wondering WTF the deal is with this swim suit model ahah and no I dont aspire to look like this woman... for one I'm white haha but my goal for the summer is to be able to buy this Victoria Secret swim suit!!! My guess is my ass will never be in a Bikini but this suit isnt showing much skin! to be able to buy a Victoria Swim Suit is beyond exciting!
On to further weight loss and loving who I am! Til next time :)


As you can tell I took a million pictures ha but I couldn't help it I was so excited to be there that I needed to have a constant reminder... Now before I tell you how exciting it was I am going to go into what I was feeling before we went.. I wasn't all that excited to go initially, mainly because these guys are not a mainstream band and it was a Christian Rock Concert and I am still a newby to this way of life... I sort of felt like I wasn't being genuine and walking in there like I was equally has religious as the rest of the people in there (which I'm not, well not yet anyways) I will have you know though, while I was there it was so much more than showing how Christian you are! It was a giant ass celebration ha it was fabulous! I thoroughly enjoyed myself and can not wait til the next one! 

if you are in need of some new spiritual music you should really check out BUILDING 429 and the NEWSBOYS!! :) 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Zumba Master's Class and WW

Well If you know me then you know that I am an avid lover of Zumba! It is one of my favorite work outs! I look forward to this class every Tuesday and Thursday. Any who a couple of friends of mine are always talking about these amazing Master classes that they attend. ( A masters class is where you pay to go to a class that a traveling zumba instructor teaches, who has mastered the Zumba workout). I could finally go to one this last Friday and the instructor is originally from Venezuela but is teaching in SLC. She was unbelievable, I could probably never move the way she does, it was mind boggling. The class was an hour and a half long and it flew by. On our way home i was thinking gosh i feel great...until i tried to get out of the car wholy sore!!!! I am so glad i went (completely out of my comfort zone and totally worth it). 

Oh Weight Watchers, Weight Watchers, Weight Watchers how I have struggled so bad with you... I have been doing Weight Watchers for 4 months and have lost 7 lbs   ( i know you are thinking how ridiculous) but its my own fault I do great and then I fall off the bad wagon and then back and on and then back off....its a never ending battle. I will say though as of today my mother and I have decided to hit it hard and be as faithful as I can be. I am literally disgusted with how long i have let this drag on but I am going to do better!! BRING IT ON!!! hahaha Until next time my fellow follower!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Valentines, the big 20, Guinea Pig

I cannot believe how behind I am on blogging...I use to be this avid blogger ha I am starting to slack a little ;). These passed couples have been rather interesting.... Lets start back to Valentines Day, while I am normally a complete grouch during this holiday, I decided who cares that I am single...So i made my mom and sister little tiny valentines (seeing how everybody I know is dieting, It consisted of Skinny Cow candy and Tic Tacs lol) and while i knew I would not be getting a Valentines Day gift this year...I really didn't care a whole lot ha (which is not normal) but I was lucky enough to wake up with a gift and a card from my dad. 

Now, after Valentines day my baby sister a mere short 8 days later turned the BIG 20!!! I can not even believe that she is into adult hood ha how crazy! Her and I have increasingly got closer and closer the older we get...we become more mature and are now ( as mature as we are going to get) realizing the petty stuff that use to make us mad at each other is really non important. She is crazy gorgeous, has a rocking figure, is extremely talented when it comes to hair school, an avid gym junkie, funny, personable, extremely sensitive (when it comes to me), my biggest weight loss supporter,( this girl was thinking about her wedding and was more worried about the kind of dress she would get me so I would feel comfortable then her own dress)...I could really go on for days!! I'm so glad she found someone like Houston to be by her side through thick and thin... and I cant wait to see what the future holds for them!


Now that we have discussed my sissy :) she decided she needed a Guinea Pig for her hair school.... somebody needed to come in and get a manicure, pedicure, facial and a wax! so of course I volunteered... Haha I was terrified, I wanted her to do well, but um she was going to be waxing my face as well ha i was so scared....Turns out she did beyond phenomenal!! I can not wait to see what the future holds for her in Cosmetology!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Makala, Ivory, ME!!!

Wow where to begin.... the passed couple of weeks have not been super busy but yet I still didn't manage to get on here and blog about my incredible life :). This passed couple of weeks one of my best friends Makala's son was having some trouble with his eating...It was really heart breaking because he was struggling with keeping it down, which was obviously leaving him dehydrated and hungry!! They finally got some of his medication under control and you will all be happy to know he is doing a lot better!!!

 So this amazingly happy baby finally has a full belly!!

My other best friend Ivory has this sweet adorable bebe. I have mentioned him in other blogs and his name is Jax and hes seriously the funniest sweetest bebe I know. He has these great big beautiful eyes like his momma and these gorgeous curly locks on his head. I was lucky enough to get to spend an entire Wednesday with this babes because he had pink eye :(. I have to say, while i hated that this boy had pink eye i loved how cuddly he was because of it. He just has the sweetest little heart ever.

On to my ongoing weight loss struggle. I am slowly but surely getting there. I haven't lost a whole bunch of weight but I have been trying my best and working out as often as I can. Normally I would never be caught dead in tight shorts for the gym but as you can see I decided to move pass my fear of people laughing at me and I did it. What do you know people didnt laugh...in fact I got a compliment haha.....What was I afraid of again??

This was another idea that I stole from Pinterest. I thought what else could I do, so its a constant reminder of what im trying to accomplish and fun at the same time. Welp this is what I came up with....Every stone is a pound, so every Monday that I weigh in  I will adjust the weight loss :) it does seem silly, but I am willing to do anything to help!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

AS rather than BSN

Those of you that know me, know that I have been pursuing getting my RN for roughly 5 year's  now and yet here I am working as a CNA with no degree...

Start at the beginning...When I originally got accepted into college my first thought was, "what on earth do I want to be" (this seems to be a pretty normal response). I decided I want to be a Pharmacist I was fairly good at Chemistry in high school so this seemed to be a perfect fit. My first year in college I did well...but college chemistry is nothing like high school chemistry ha (go figure)..I decided to go meet with a counselor in the pharmacy department...needless to say I left crying and never looked back again. This is when I decided maybe nursing was what I wanted to be. I knew I wanted to do something medical related just wasn't quite sure which route I wanted to take. Luckily most medical related degrees have fairly similar pre-req's so this was going to give me time to figure it out... I had gone through 3 years of pre-req's and was ready to apply to the nursing program! I was so excited to send it in and be finally moving in a positive direction with a light at the end of the tunnel...In October is when they send back your results via email as to whether or not you were accepted or not...Needless to say in the middle of my class I got the rejection email...which basically said sorry you were not chosen please look further into other degrees that ISU has to offer... Now being a newby to the whole application process...this email seemed a little blunt and basically I took it as you suck and nursing is not the right path for you....SO I dropped out of college for a semester to collect my thoughts..I didn't have any idea what the hell I was going to do with my life. Luckily, I HATED being out of school so that summer, I had saved up 1800$, to go to summer school and I was going to give this nursing thing one last shot! I brought my GPA by .4 points which is a significant amount and now I was not just going to apply to ISU I was also going to apply to BSU. I got my second rejection letter from ISU during my O Chem class while the 8 other students I study with all got in. I politely excused myself and cried for at least 3 hours. I had worked so HARD!!! I got a part time CNA job to gain experience, to help further my application. Nothing was working.

Yet again, I took a semester off to see if maybe I could just be a CNA for the rest of life and this was all I was ever going to be. HA! that lasted a whole month and I decided there was no way I could only ever be a CNA. I was meant to do more. How embarrassing though to be given 2 rejection letters and now have wasted 5 years of college.

I always knew the Associate program was an option but I thought I would be to embarrassed after all the school I have had to just only be getting an Associate... I have told very few people that I have been applying to CSI and CWI. I was so embarrassed that I was going to have to be going to a community college that only my best friends and family knew about it. 

I had received this email letting me know that I am ranked in the Top 5 at CSI for the nursing program and I was so ashamed to have decided to possibly attend this school that I kept it a secret (except of course to my friends and family) But I have decided something....All those rejection letters has just made it that much more important for me to become a nurse. I may not be able to take the normal route but dammit I am going to get there and I am going to be proud of the accomplishments I have made even if it is not the  BSN program!!

"Be grateful for all the obstacles in your life. They have strengthened you as you continue your journey"

"Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it"

" One of the happiest moments ever is when you feel the courage to let go of what your can't change" 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Used to be my life!

This weekend I decided it was time to get some much needed cleaning done and boy was I glad I did. I went through my grandmothers trunk which I had modge podge with a bunch of photo's a couple summers ago, but besides the point I found a Birthday Card for me from my 16th birthday that all of my former soccer players/friends/sisters had signed. It literally brought tears to my eyes. I wish I could explain the bond we all had! I spent 4 years with this girls and I would like to think they knew most everything about me.... They were so much more than just my soccer team, these girls were my family! 

I was so nervous going to Pocatello High School because I went to Franklin Middle School and all of my friends would be going to either Century or Highland, so I was walking into Poky High with friends that I hadn't seen in two years, needless to say it was nerve racking! Luckily, I ended up with such an amazing group that High School was completely wonderful!

I could never explain to these girls/women/sisters/friends  how much I love and miss them!  While I am glad that we have all moved on from high school, I couldnt be more proud of the people they have become!

Adrianna- rocking her own style (like normal) seems completely happy with her life!
Adria- Partying it up with Kendra and Ashley in Moscow!! wish i could be there!
Ashley- studied abroad in Chile WOW 
Kendra- made the move to moscow! and seems to be lovin life
Emily- Married and is applying to med school!
Kirsten- Graduated from college looking to applying to law school
MAdeline- Just got accepted into Nursing school!
Andrea B- Just got accepted into Nursing SChool!!
Kenz- I just reunited with and she sounds like shes doing fabulous
Katelin- Married and Graduated from dental hygiene school and has a beautiful baby boy named Nixon!
Chelsea B- Working at BWW and going to school, has been in a serious relationship and seems to be loving it
Allie - graduated from college, living in Pocatello, and of course doing the rodeo thing! Shes the same Allie only a little older :)

If this isnt the best group of women a girl could grow up with I don't know what is!!
I love you all