Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Concert and SNOW!!!

This last Friday my little brother was in a Christmas Concert and as wonderful sisters as myself and Jordan are we decided we just could not miss Ethan's Christmas Concert (plus my mom made us promise to go). If you could not tell from other posts are entire family revolves around my little brother Ethan James and certainly for good reason. He is the baby of the family!! His Concert was simply amazing!! I could not believe the amount of parents that showed up to support their kids ha it was wonderful. My sisters and I tried to get my brothers attention but the second he saw my mom he was grinning ear to ear and stairing right at her to make sure she saw him, and was only watching him (needy much). The singing was exactly what you would expect from 2nd graders, you had at least one kid that can actually sing, a few kids laughing, one kid picking her nose, the other ones are yawning haha but all in all it was a great show!!

Finally got him to look and it was not even at us!!

 Sorry for how blurry the pictures are, it was hard to get a decent picture!

It finally snowed and boy was I so glad it did. It never really feels like Christmas if it doesnt snow! That could just be the Idaho girl talking, but a Christmas with out snow just doesn't seem right. 


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