Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Concert and SNOW!!!

This last Friday my little brother was in a Christmas Concert and as wonderful sisters as myself and Jordan are we decided we just could not miss Ethan's Christmas Concert (plus my mom made us promise to go). If you could not tell from other posts are entire family revolves around my little brother Ethan James and certainly for good reason. He is the baby of the family!! His Concert was simply amazing!! I could not believe the amount of parents that showed up to support their kids ha it was wonderful. My sisters and I tried to get my brothers attention but the second he saw my mom he was grinning ear to ear and stairing right at her to make sure she saw him, and was only watching him (needy much). The singing was exactly what you would expect from 2nd graders, you had at least one kid that can actually sing, a few kids laughing, one kid picking her nose, the other ones are yawning haha but all in all it was a great show!!

Finally got him to look and it was not even at us!!

 Sorry for how blurry the pictures are, it was hard to get a decent picture!

It finally snowed and boy was I so glad it did. It never really feels like Christmas if it doesnt snow! That could just be the Idaho girl talking, but a Christmas with out snow just doesn't seem right. 


Week 3&4 WW

It has been two weeks since I last blogged about Weight Watchers and it seems to be going fairly well. I did hit a couple of rough patches with all the Christmas Holiday treat making and all but I managed to keep losing and that is all that matters.
This weeks meeting I was able to get my first 5  pound sticker and boy I could not have been more excited. While it may seem like only 5 pounds to you, but to me thats a lot of hamburger haha. 
So for now im going to keep on trucking along and hoping for the best. I am doing my best to not get discouraged at the slow rate of weight loss, but from what I am told this is the healthy way to lose, maintain, and keep off all that unwanted weight. So I suppose I will let the experts do their job!!

Tis the Season*

I can't believe how long it has been since I last logged on to blog, I have been seriously slacking in this department but for a good reason, it was dead week and now we are smack dab in the middle of finals and boy are they a mood killer. I have however been pretty blessed that my professors, thus far, have prepared me for the finals I have taken. My last final is Thursday and I couldn't be more excited to get it done and over with! It is certainly time for a break and some much needed down time. 

While I should have been studying my little brother and I decided to make holiday treats (to help along my procrastination) and they turned out wonderful. I was able to give some to new people who have strongly influenced my life this year. Carolyn at Portneuf Towers for helping see beyond peoples exteriors and Jerry & Gwen Chudej for bringing me into your home and treating me like one of your own!


I am going to be fairly busy the next couple of weeks visiting family :). People say part of the downer about your parents getting divorced is that your family is no longer together, but its not to bad and I get to have two Christmases with two amazing families!! This coming Saturday I will be heading to Boise to spend some much needed time with my Dad's family, the Harwick/Ward clan. They are crazy loud, drinking, talking machines. You should be jealous at how crazy fantastic they are. I will be staying with my Grandma Cherie who is probably the most kick ass grandmother anyone could be lucky enough to have!! 

I will be leaving Boise on Christmas Day to come home and spend Christmas night with my mom, sister, baby brother and step dad Matt. This will be a new tradition for us seeing how usually my parents split the holidays down the middle, but this year I get to spend the holiday with both my parents, it should be amazing!! After Christmas that following Friday I will be heading to Reno to spend New Years with my moms Parents!! I am super excited because I have never been to Reno and it seems like forever since I have gotten to spend some time with my favorite Grandpa!! 5 days away from Pocatello and with people I love it couldn't possibly be any better!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Finals, work, finals, work oh and date night!

My goodness it feels like forever since I have been able to just blog and not worry about anything! Unfortunately I still have to worry about my finals coming up but Ive decided I was in need of a much needed break. To update everyone on whats going on with school, I have currently waiting for CSI to get back to but from what I have gathered I wont know when I got accepted until MARCH!!! ugh I think I might that just seems forever away!! Until then I am taking this spring semester off to work full time and save as much money as I can so I can move and start nursing school!!

On another note my friend Tara and I have decided to start attending Rocky Mountain Ministries and I am ecstatic, nervous, anxious, scared, but its definitely the direction I want to take with my life. This decisions just feels right and I cant thank Tara enough for deciding to go with me so I don't have to go alone!

On top of all the stress with school and work and more school, my little brother and I decided we were in need of a date night. On Saturday he and I decided to go out for pizza and went and saw The Odd Life of Timothy Green and it was seriously the sweetest movie I have ever seen. My little brother however was more excited about the candy and soda he got to drink rather than the movie itself.

Oh I also convinced him to help me decorate my very own Christmas tree ha he was more than thrilled to help but couldn't believe how little ornaments I had. He told me to ask Santa for more Christmas Ornaments haha Hes the most sincere person and I love him!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Week 2 WW

Well Week two went well I lost another 2.2 lbs and while it may be a slow moving train its still a moving train!! My goal at the moment is to meet my 5 % body weight and that 187.8, I need to lose another 6 pounds and I will be there!! I'm praying that I make it there before Christmas time. I am trying my very best to not get discouraged but low numbers but a loss is a loss right?? On to week 3 wish me luck!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


TaViSh AlExAnDeR ClArK:

Today one of my very best friends had her second baby Tavish Alexander, and boy am I so glad that everything went well. This woman has been one of my dearest friends since my freshman year in college and she had got a job at my mothers daycare. We started off with a rough start. She was new and shy and I wasn't completely willing to befriend her, but damn am I glad I did. She is one of the most loyal friends I have. a year or two into our friendship she met Struan Clark and could he possible be have been a better match? I think not. He takes remarkably good care of her, and she does it to him right back! I am so blessed to call her a best friend and I couldnt be more ecstatic about their ever growing family.

I mean seriously hes the cutest thing I think I have ever seen and he was so incredible blessed to be have been born into the family that he was. His mother is the most forgiving, generous, sweet, thoughtful and creative person I know. His dad is crazy funny and such a fun loving person! This baby is bound for perfection!